Ți s-a întâmplat și ție să lucrezi ore în șir la pregătirea unei postări frumos editate în Canva și abia dacă ai avut câteva reacții de la audiența ta?
Ai petrecut timp prețios la telefon cu un potențial client care a dispărut ca măgaru-n ceață atunci când i-ai prezentat oferta de vânzare a produselor sau serviciilor tale, inventând tot felul de scuze?
Oare te-ai întrebat vreodată: “Ce SE VEDE din mine și afacerea mea în exterior?”
Am pregătit acest caiet de lucru ce conține pași simpli și ușor de aplicat, pentru a-ți crește imaginea și implicit, afacerea.
Știi, majoritatea oamenilor ne cunosc din Social Media și fie că ne place sau nu, suntem judecați “după poze”. Cu alte cuvinte, audiența noastră emite percepții despre noi, judecând după ce SE VEDE.
Este vital, mai ales când suntem la început de drum în antreprenoriat, să construim fundația brandului nostru personal în piață, cu mare acuratețe, pentru a ne poziționa cât mai fidel în mintea clientului nostru.
Mai mult, îi vom atrage ca un magnet, fix pe cei pe care noi dorim să îi avem ca și clienți.
There's funnels to create, copy to write, traffic to acquire, credibility to build, and one massive imposter syndrome to overcome.
The task seems daunting.
If you're anything like me you've probably spent thousands of dollars on online courses, done-for-you services, coaching, and masterminds... BUT, at the end of the day nothing seems to be working.
How can you launch and grow your business when you seem completely paralyzed by overwhelm?
but you have So little time to learn
Any Entrepreneur
like gambling?
Online courses, gurus, and coaches claim to be the solution to launching your business and helping you create that coveted laptop lifestyle you've dreamt. So, if you're anything like me, you have "invested" thousands and thousands of dollars but most of the time you're left with more questions than answers.
It feels like you're playing a Las Vegas slot machine.
You're guaranteed to put money in, but you're not guaranteed to take any out.
Build A Business Doing What You Love.
Most people like their job, but they don't love it. They crave the freedom and flexibility of being able to work from wherever they want, whenever they want, and sell whatever they want. LaunchFuel will show you how to build a business around your genius.
Master Your Message.
The secret to attracting the perfect clients and selling your products is mastering your online voice. With LaunchFuel University, you’ll learn how to communicate your message with clarity and confidence.
Maximize Your Time and Money.
Time is precious and money is scarce. MentorMind+ will help you focus on the right actions that won't waste your time and help you launch for a fraction of the cost of hiring a full-time coach or purchasing an online course.
Less Than a Year After Working
With Chad Thibodeaux
I longed for the day I could resign and live my dream of being a full-time entrepreneur running my social media agency. I launched my agency as a side-hustle but it wasn't making nearly enough to support me and my new family.
That's when I enrolled in Chad Thibodeaux's LaunchFuel University and met the man who would catapult my business and help me escape corporate life.
I started applying everything I learned from Chad. His teachings were different. They took very complex marketing techniques and made them very simple to understand. I leveraged these trainings and turned them into thousands of dollars. In fact, just 30-days after enrollment I had my first $10K month. It was the best investment I had ever made.
In just a few short months after enrollment I was making MORE than enough to not only get myself out of corporate life, but I was also able to retire my significant other as well. Together we work as full-time entrepreneurs, traveling the world, and taking care of our aging parents.
The community of entrepreneurs inside the LaunchFuel family have become some of my best friends, biggest supporters, and highest paid clients.
If you're thinking about joining MentorMind+ I want to encourage you to do it now. It'll be the best investment you'll ever make.
While your email list is a great start, it shouldn’t be your only avenue for connecting with your audience. In this Module, you’ll learn how to establish a memorable presence throughout social media.
The best people to tell you what they want to hear from you are your ideal clients and customers. But how do you know what to ask them to get the data you need? We’ve got you covered with this Module.
Once your online presence is established, it’s time to roll out your initial offering. Within this Module, you’ll receive step-by-step guidance for creating and offering your first product online.
Messaging is key in getting your valuable services and products into the hands of your ideal clients and customers. This module will show you how to write copy that converts complete strangers into loyal followers, and customers.
The data may not be the most thrilling part of your online platform, but it’s definitely what helps you understand where you need to focus your attention. This Module teaches you which analytics you should be tracking, and why they’re important.
Once your platform is attracting a growing audience, you can leverage its power through affiliate marketing. Learn how ethically, effectively make the most of that in this module.
Every online business needs a core offer, something that packages up your best content into a premium flagship product. This Module will help you determine what your own flagship offering will be and give you the strategy to launch it with success!
By now, you’ll have a thriving platform, and it’s time to level up. This Module is filled with techniques, tips and strategies to take your existing platform up a notch!
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